The Kubernesis Partnership LLP is a small firm of charity consultants, now based in Dunbar, Scotland. Over the years we have offered a wide range of services, primarily to small/medium charities, across all parts of the UK including:
We have specialised in the subtle differences of charity law and charity accounting between the different jurisdictions of the UK. We focused especially on the newest structure of charitable incorporated organisations: CIOs in England and Wales and SCIOs in Scotland.
However, the partners are now retired and we are no longer able to take on any new assignments. Our continuing activities are limited to those mentioned below. A number of client projects were still in progress during the course of 2022, but they are now complete. We would like to thank all clients for their support over the last 40 years.
The firm, however, continues and we are very happy to respond to administrative or factual queries from existing clients so long as you are not seeking professional advice. Please use the normal email for the Kubernesis Charity Advice Service (or the direct email to the relevant partner if more appropriate). If you do not have a direct email, please send to our general email as below.
Continuing activities
Whilst we are no longer offering professional services to charities we remain active in the charity sphere in authoring work and a wide range of voluntary roles.
Gareth Morgan's books for charity practitioners (published by Directory of Social Change) are still relevant and available:
The partners are also involved in a wide range of other activities in the charity sector, including as trustees of a small grant-making charity and Gareth Morgan continues to serve on a number of policy groups concerned with charity issues. Whilst we are no longer offering services to individual charities, Gareth is potentially still available to write articles or to contribute to charity events.
The firm was founded in 1979, and adopted the Kubernesis label in 1982 with a primary focus on charities since then. In 1985 we became a partnership (and later an LLP). Initially based in the Bristol area, we then spent 25 years in Yorkshire, before establishing a presence in Dunbar, Scotland from 2016 which is now our sole location. The name Kubernesis comes from the person who steers a ship - as used by St Paul in the New Testament (1 Cor 12:28). It is also the root of the modern word "governance".
He also continues as Emeritus Professor of Charity Studies at Sheffield Hallam University and has contributed to various charity sector research projects. In addition to his books (see above) he is the author of a wide range of academic papers in the fields of charity regulation and accounting. Over the years, Gareth has spoken at many conferences for charity professionals. |
She still has a wide range of voluntary roles in the charity sector, serving as trustee of two charities. She has a particular interest in pastoral care and bereavement support. Now that Kubernesis is no longer providing consultancy services Sharon is largely retired, but she continues with some roles as administration partner. |
The Kubernesis Partnership LLP - Charity Consultants
10 Kings Court, Dunbar EH42 1ZG / 01368 864582 / / An LLP registered in Scotland no SO306613