What content is needed when applying to The Paristamen Charity for a Responsive Grant?
This page is about the specific content needed in a Responsive Grant Application, but first please read about our grant-making criteria for Responsive Grants.
Please also see the page How to Apply page for broader information on the process and our guidance on Submitting your charity’s accounts.
In your application, just send us:
- our completed application form OR a letter explaining about your organisation, how a small grant from The Paristamen Charity could help, and
- enclose a copy of your full annual report and accounts (or constitution for a new organisation without accounts) – see here for further guidance on what we need and
- give evidence of your bank account (if you would like a grant award paid electronically – however we can make payments by cheque if easier).
Please send applications by post or email as shown on the How to Apply page.
Please use our application form if possible – but we are happy to accept applications by letter if they contain all the details on our form.
Whether you apply by letter or using our form there are two central questions that we ask you to address:
(1) TELL US ABOUT YOUR ORGANISATION (Q8 if using our form)
Tell us a bit about the charity which is applying to us – for example you may wish to cover the following points:
- It’s often easiest to start from your charitable objects as in your governing document.
- Tell us what you do in practice. Make clear who are your beneficiaries or service users.
- Please tell us if there is anything unique about the charity – for example if you have any particular expertise, or are the only charity in your area working in your field.
- It’s helpful if you can give a bit of further background such as when the organisation was established, numbers of paid staff, approximate income.
We need to know why you are applying to us – the ‘case for support’ which you are putting to us.
- Remember that our grants are normally unrestricted so there is no point in going into detail on a specific project – we want to know why the organisation as a whole needs more funds.
- There is no need to come up with specific ways in which our grant would be spent, but we need to know in general terms why more funds are needed. In some cases it will be obvious from what you said about your work in Q1, but it is helpful if you can be specific about the pressure you face at present which could be alleviated with a bit more resources. But please bear in mind what we don’t fund (see the main page on Responsive Grants).
- We only make grants three times a year, so we cannot generally help with urgent requests. If you are applying for grant from our main responsive programme, please note that the size of grant if you are successful willl usually be somewhere in range £500 – £1,000 (occasionally more) – so we realise you will be applying to a number of funders and donors.
- If your accounts show that your charity had a significant surplus on unrestricted funds in the previous year (i.e. income more than expenditure) please explain why you are seeking further funds. Also, if you have significant reserves, we expect that the trustees’ report with your accounts will explain the reserves policy, as required under charity law (but where reserves are clearly needed we do not exclude a charity from receiving a grant just because it has good reserves)
Make sure we have your contact details and the means to make the grant payment if a grant is awarded. There’s no need to repeat what’s already on your letterhead, but please be sure to include:
- The legal name of your charity – especially if your letterhead focuses on a working name or the name of a project.
- Your registered charity number(s) – remember you must be a charity registered in Scotland even if you also operate elsewhere.
- Your name, your role in the charity, your phone number and email address. (Even for applications sent by post, we may want to email you with queries).
- The postal address for us to get back to you. (If this is not the charity’s official address as shown on the Scottish charity register please explain).
- The charity’s website address (if you have one).
- Preferred arrangements for payment of any grant awarded. Unless otherwise requested, our grants awards are made by cheque payable to the charity and sent to the postal address given in the application but if an electronic payment would be preferred please give the bank account details (it must be an account in the charity’s name) and enclose some evidence of this – for example a copy of a paying in slip or of a recent bank statement (though we do not recommend sending bank statements by email).
Note: Whether the payment is made by cheque or by bank transfer we will always need a receipt from the charity to confirm that the grant has been received and banked.