Responsive/Planned Grants Made

This page gives details of grant awards under our Responsive and Planned grantmaking programmes in the most recently completed financial year.  For details of awards before that, please see our published Annual Report and Accounts on the charitable basis page – the full list of grants made are included in the Notes to the Accounts towards the end of each year’s document.

Paristamen Responsive Grants awarded 2023/24

Recipient charity 2023/24
Awarded July 2023:
Hearts & Minds Ltd (clown-doctors bringing cheer to children & elderly in hospital etc) £750
New Team SCIO (Christian street youth work) £750
Sepsis Research (FEAT) SCIO £750
The Marie Trust (striving to end homelessness) £750
Go Youth Trust £750
The Bridge Community Project £750
The Wheel Trust (sharing Christian faith in schools) £750
Held in our Hearts (baby loss support) £750
Mearns Kirk Helping Hands SCIO £750
Home Link Family Support £750
Fetlor Youth Club £500
Border Search & Rescue Unit £500
Dates-n-mates (run by & for adults with learning disabilities) £500
Awarded November 2023:
Families First – St Andrews £1,000
Edinburgh City Mission £1,000
Street Connect £1,000
Relationships Scotland Family Mediation Highland £1,000
Hope Counselling SCIO £1,000
Holy Trinity Church of Scotland Edinburgh (Wester Hailes) £1,000
KYTHE Kinross-shire Youth Enterprise SCIO £1,000
Scottish Detainee Visitors £1,000
Cruse Scotland £1,000
Prospects Across Scotland £750
The Muirhead Outreach Project Ltd £750
Junction12 (Youth Project) £750
Awarded March 2024:
The Well Multi-Cultural Resource Centre £1,500
Fathers Network Scotland £1,500
SOLAS – Centre for Public Christianity £1,500
The Scottish Pantry Network £1,000
Crew 2000 (Scotland) £1,000
LYPP Linlithgow Young People’s Project £1,000
Community Infosource £1,000
Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust £1,000
Citizens Rights Project £1,000
Human Rights Consortium Scotland £1,000
Smart Works Scotland £1,000
Ochil Youths Community Improvement £1,000
Granton Parish Church (CofS) £750
Edinburgh Carers’ Council £750
U-evolve £750
TOTAL for 2023/24 (40 grants): £36,000


Paristamen Planned Grants awarded 2023/24

Recipient charity 2023/24 2022/23
Freedom from Torture £1,000 £1,000
Médecins sans Frontières (MSF UK) £750
MND Scotland £1,000
Families Outside (working with prisoners’ families) £1,000 £1,000
TEAR Fund £1,000 £1,000
Glasgow City Mission £1,000 £1,000
NACCOM (No accommodation network) £1,000 £1,000
Open Doors with Brother Andrew £1,000 £1,000
Christians Against Poverty £1,000 £1,000
Mission to Seafarers Scotland £500 £1,000
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland £1,000
Amos Trust £1,000 £1,000
TOTAL 12 grants (2023: 9 grants) £11,250 £9,000